“Palatul Înaltei Curţi de Conturi şi ctitorul său, George I. Lahovari – 125 de ani”
Aula Academiei Române
Biblioteca Academiei Române
Curtea de Conturi
8 octombrie 2024, ora 11:00
The electronic catalog of the Library of the Romanian Academy allows the quick identification, by searching according to specific criteria, of a document from the library’s collections.
The catalog contains bibliographic references for all publications entered and registered in the Library of the Romanian Academy since 1998. Information about publications registered before this year can be found in full in the classic catalog, located on the ground floor of the institution, and only partially and selectively in the electronic catalog. The Library of the Romanian Academy is in the process of electronic registration of its entire heritage, established since 1867.
The general electronic catalog describes documents from the following categories: books, periodicals, old and rare books, manuscripts, archival documents, photography, maps and atlases, drawings, prints, sheet music, coins, multimedia resources.
Aula Academiei Române
Biblioteca Academiei Române
Curtea de Conturi
8 octombrie 2024, ora 11:00
Sala „Theodor Pallady“
Biblioteca Academiei Române
15 ianuarie 2024, ora 13:00
Aula Academiei Române
Biblioteca Academiei Române
15 octombrie 2024, ora 11:00
Among the gold coins in the collection of the Library of the Romanian Academy there are two Persian pieces, two Daric, coming from a large hoard discovered in Athens in 1929.
The hoard originally numbered a few hundred pieces, dispersed in a short time, so that only eight copies entered the collection of the Numismatic Museum in Athens, three at the American Numismatic Society, one reached the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston ( USA), and two in the collection of the Romanian Academy Library.