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The collection brings together over 10,000 volumes of manuscripts, of great scientific and documentary value, grouped into 5 funds: Romanian, Greek, Slavonic, Oriental and Western

Historical documents

The more than 600,000 historical documents in the Library of the Romanian Academy illustrate different eras of Romanian history, starting from the 14th century and up to the middle of the 19th century


Rich collection of seals and emblems held by kings, lords, great and small baronies, free cities, municipalities, secular courts, officers of justice, ecclesiastical dignitaries, religious orders, artisans, reflecting the complexity of medieval life.

Correspondence and autographs

Over 50,000 pieces, organized by fund, in alphabetical and chronological order, containing correspondence and autographs of Romanian and foreign personalities of culture, science and public life

Personal archives

250 personal archive titles belonging to great personalities of Romanian culture: V. Alecsandri, M. Kogălniceanu T. Maiorescu, M. Eminescu, I. Creangă, D.A. Sturdza, I. Ghica, G. Coșbuc, O. Goga, B.P. Hasdeu, Spiru Haret, C. Rădulescu-Motru, L. Rebreanu, etc.


The collection brings together works from the Romanian school of engraving starting from the 19th century. 19th century and until today, drawings by the most representative Romanian plastic artists, original engravings and drawings from European and Oriental schools (16th-20th centuries). The collection consists of approximately 95,000 prints and 43,000 drawings.


400,000 pieces, from the beginnings of photography to today, Romanian and foreign, worked in different techniques, daguerreotypes, calotypes, collodion photographs, up to contemporary techniques. Photos with documentary value and photos with artistic value.

Old and rare book

Old and rare book

Over 6,000 volumes of old Romanian books, representing three centuries of Romanian printing, and over 11,000 volumes of rare books, precious prints due to their age, ornamentation, bindings and the materials they were printed on, of which almost 100 incunabula.


The collection, consisting of approximately 55,000 pieces, has a great documentary value, recording fundamental works of classical music culture, symphonic compositions, operas and operettas, impressive folklore collections, religious music manuscripts, as well as a rich sound library.


The Map Cabinet of the Romanian Academy Library holds the most valuable and substantial fund of cartographic documents in Romania, an impressive collection consisting of: 16,606 maps, 552 atlases, 250 wall maps, relief maps and planiglobes, 3786 estate plans.


Founded in 1871 and organized according to the model of the great Western centers, the numismatic collection today counts over 150,000 units, coins, medals and seals, engraved stones and stamps, being among the most scientifically important numismatic collections in Europe.

The press

The Library of the Romanian Academy holds the richest fund of Romanian periodicals, published in Romanian or in other languages, made up of over 65,000 titles, to which cultural and scientific periodicals from all over the world are selectively added.


The fund of Romanian manuscripts kept at the Academy Library totals almost 6000 volumes and primarily contains texts of old Romanian literature.


The collection consists of the fund of old flyers represented by administrative documents from the period 1642-1866 and the fund of modern prints without periodical publication status.


The microfilm collection was formed in the 1970s, out of the need to preserve the own collections of periodicals and manuscripts, as well as to fill in any gaps. It holds 500 titles, on approximately 400 rolls in 35 mm format, which reproduce monochrome images.

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